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Self Publishing 101


          Welcome back to self publishing 101, SrS here!  So, you have finished your masterpiece, and completely tore it down line by excruciating line with editing. You've allowed others to read it and find errors that you didnt and now you are ready to go on to step two. Excitement courses through you as you get closer and closer to your end result. I know that feeling well and therefore, I will skip all the hubbub and start.

          This part of self-publishing is important. Making the decision on who is the best choice for you. The ability to find a self-publishing company is as simple as going into your Google search box and typing in self-publishing companies. You will be bombarded with the dozens of choices to pick from. Again, this has to be your choice but for educational purposes I am going to walk you through my routine. For me, I always go to KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), KDP is part of Amazon.


                        Here is the link:   




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The picture to the left is what should come up on your screen. If you notice on the bottom picture I made a green circle around the words learn how easy it is. You must click on those words to move forward into self-publishing  with KDP. Please read each screen carefully. KDP and KDP Select are very different and you must choose which one you want to go with. I use KDP and that is what I will be walking you through.

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Clicking on the words Learn How Easy It Is  will bring you to this screen. This screen is important and it is pretty self explanatory. It will explain to you what you need to do and what KDP has to offer. Remember KDP is a free service to self-publish. 

Well, that's it for step two of becoming self-published. I will tell you that it may get confusing or overwhelming when you try and navigate for your first time. Just remember I am here! We recently added a chat button on our website which dings me whenever someone uses it. And although I am over the moon with this new addition please keep in mind that we only respond between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You are going to have questions....a lot of them. I will help you through each and every one if I am able. Also, here are some other popular sites to check out to self-publish:

          Draft2Digital gives you a dozen places that they distribute to like B&N, Apple, Baker&Taylor, etc.




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